Documentary Business and Guarantees

Documentary Business

Always keep a tight grip on your cross-border transactions.

Import and export transactions offer many attractive opportunities - but there are always new challenges involved.

You control the financial risks of your global business with our support - and a documentary method of payment that best fits your requirements.

Your benefits - Documentary Business

  • our employees have many years of experience
  • fast solutions with high customer and service orientation
  • customised concepts

You benefit from our service „right next door“ in Essen.

Your benefits - Documentary Service

  • preparation of l/c-conform documents
  • complete or case-by-case outsourcing of administrative activities
  • reduction of risks, costs, processing and processing times

You take care of your commercial transactions and we take care of the formalities.

Your benefits - International Guarantees

  • legally tested sample texts for all common types of guarantee
  • assessment of your individual wording requirements
  • guarantees can be sent via SWIFT to the international correspondent banks

We are happy to advise you in advance on the best composition of your guarantee text.

Team Documentary Business & Guarantees

Heike Röhrig

Heike Röhrig

Team Leader

Phone   +49 201 82144431